I was listening to an interview recently with Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s legendary investment partner recently. Munger and Buffet have regularly earned 2-3 times the market average on their investments, so when either speaks I try to listen. Wisdom is acquired with time, education, and experience and Munger, who is 93, has some wise things to say in his latter years.
One thing Munger talks about frequently is mental models.
Models are frameworks with which to see and “frame” the world. It’s helpful according to him to have many different models from many different fields- science, language, economics, history, math, religion, philosophy- of knowledge so that you can make decisions according to a broad perspective. This resonates with me and my view of health, which to me is about meaning more than anything.
One of the puzzles that took me a long time to solve was motivation. What motivates people? Why do some people lose motivation? Why do some people get and stay fit while others don’t? Why do some people get off track so often?
This is obviously a complex question. Human motivation encompasses many different fields of knowledge and is complicated. We do things for different reasons. Every person is different.
But, despite the complexity of human behavior and motivation, it is extremely helpful to have models. After years of research, last year I created my Fitness from the Inside Out flow chart of motivation, but had never modeled it in a diagram form until now.
I’d like to introduce the Motivation Matrix Model. This model can literally change your life overnight.
- Values should determine goals, goals should determine projects, and projects should determine the habits you’ll need.
- Use the Matrix to set goals, plan projects, and instill habits.
- Refer back to the Matrix to stay motivated and stay on track to live out your values.
Real change and healthy living take time and consistency and commitment. The beauty and power of using models like this one is that they will raise your self-awareness and help you to live with integrity and stay on track.
Motivation always comes from our deepest held values.
Let the Motivation Matrix push you to get to where you want to be.
And stay tuned for more models in the near future.
P.S. Here is a long interview Munger did at the University of Michigan:
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