I did a blog last week about high-intensity interval training. To sum it up, incorporate interval training into your workouts to increase strength and / or endurance and rapidly improve fitness. This involves one of the basic principles of improving: progressive resistance. As Milo carried the growing calf up the hill year after year, and the calf became a cow, he became stronger.
What about interval training for your mind? Heuristic advice has always been to “take a walk to clear your mind.” Once again, age-old wisdom has been proven true.
If you’re trying to solve a problem, any problem, take a break. Do mental interval training. Go for a walk, play with your kids, call an old friend and catch up, do karate, lift weights, listen to some music, do anything enjoyable where you can turn off your problem-solving mind.
When you come back to the problem, the unconscious mind, the most capable part of the mind, will have had time to solve it. If you think about it, this is the perfect way to involve exercise into our lives and be more successful at any endeavor.