When you build muscle, several things happen:
- Your resting metabolic rate goes up.
- Your insulin levels even out.
- Your energy levels fluctuate less.
- You’re stronger.
- You have less body fat, which is a type of poison to your body.
- Nutrients you eat are directed towards your muscle.
- Nutrients you eat are directed towards your brain.
- Your weight stabilizes or decreases.
Focus less on long workouts and tracking calories. Obsess less about your diet in general.
Focus on building muscle with intense and shorter workouts. Focus on maintaining muscle. Lift weights 2-3 days per week for 30-45 minutes. You’ll be much, much healthier if you focus on having fun and being playful in the gym, but also working hard to build muscle because muscle is medicine for your body and brain.
Have a great week. See you in the gym!
P.S. Check out some of the free PDFs I made for you:
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