Over the past weekend, Metro Atlanta saw a crime spree unlike any I can remember. There were hostages, drive by shootings, stabbings of pregnant women, gang violence at shopping malls, and perhaps worst of all a man shot in the middle of the morning while out jogging, among many others.
Someone I personally know was one of the near victims of the drive-by shooting, a family man and a great person. This stuff will hit home to every one of us if we don’t right the sinking ship and fast.
Crime has always been a problem, since the 1960s, but in recent decades it had been somewhat been under control in certain parts of town. Now the violence, dysfunction, and most importantly, nihilism, seems to be spreading everywhere.
Occasionally, I turn on the news to see what kind of “narrative” I’m going to get, and to their credit they do report the headlines, usually, and especially if they can somehow weave in a narrative of race, sex, or victimhood into the headline.
But what stands out when you engage with media in the USA is how utterly out of touch they are with the real situation on the ground, and this applies to “liberal” and “conservative” media both. There’s a lot of yelling and finger pointing, but hardly any truth-telling about what has happened in the USA over my lifetime, and the preceding decade of the 1960s. I always had the feeling my whole life something wasn’t quite right, but I was too naive and too part of the system to realize I was participating as a “willing victim” in a complete societal collapse centered around family life.
And all of this comes back to raising children, because that’s how children become healthy functioning adults- through stable families.
Go back to something I blogged about a few weeks ago, the new book about Boomers. I’m not picking on them, but that one stat keeps sticking out. From my blog:
A staggering statistic: The percentage of children living with both biological parents by the time the mother is 40, among working-class families was 95% in 1960, now it’s 30%
To follow up with that I wanted to share an article I found that lays out in specific details why things have happened the way they have . I’m trying not to be explicitly political about this, because this is more about telling the truth than politics.
You need to register on Chronicles to read the article, but it goes back all the way through the history of divorce law changes to detail exactly what has happened to spur the collapse we’re undergoing.