Make the Effort the Reward
One of the best ways to stay motivated is to teach yourself to make the effort the reward. That way you stay on track by simply feeling good about “the ride” itself. Make the Effort the Reward Make the effort the reward, and you’re well on your way to achieving great things. This factor for […]
What’s Your Excuse?
Pick One: I’m too tired. I’m hurting. I’m sick. I don’t have the energy. I can’t afford it. I’m too old. I’m too young. I’m in pain. I might fail. I’m not attractive enough. I’m too attractive. That would be selfish. They’ll think I’m crazy. I’m afraid. I’m too busy. Or….(the worst) I don’t really […]
All Goals Are The Same
1) An Idea pops into your head- wow! could I do that? 2) You Evaluate the goal- is it worth it? 3) Establish the goal- write it down 4) Write a detailed plan -what, when, where, how, why 5) Commit– no going back 6) Prioritize and Eliminate Distractions– learn to say no and to change […]
The 12 Rules of Fitness
When I was on the radio last week with Greg Williams, we had a great time talking about the close relationship between good personal philosophy and good political philosophy. Some of you asked, so here they are….the 12 Rules of Fitness, as I see them. Let me know what you think: The 12 Rules of […]
The Underlying Problem
The most often excuse I hear about why someone can’t achieve a goal is “I don’t have time.” Is this the real problem or is there something deeper? Often, we don’t have time because we’re wasting time or our priorities are out alignment. If I could offer you one of two choices, which would you […]