Pick One:
I’m too tired.
I’m hurting.
I’m sick.
I don’t have the energy.
I can’t afford it.
I’m too old.
I’m too young.
I’m in pain.
I might fail.
I’m not attractive enough.
I’m too attractive.
That would be selfish.
They’ll think I’m crazy.
I’m afraid.
I’m too busy.
Or….(the worst) I don’t really want to or care to anyway. (Yeah, right. You’re only kidding yourself.).
Occasionally, but only on occasion, waiting is a good thing. Wait until you’re ready to commit.
But when you’re ready, make a commitment and stick with it.
Can you live in the moment with clear eyes, knowing you did all you can do? Here’s Coach Gaines breaking it down, NO EXCUSES!
Have a great week.
Read Next: The 12 Commandments of Fitness
Photo credit: https://stocksnap.io/photo/word-concept-2SQIRDV0HV